Large motor development is important for children of all ages. In Montessori environments, large or gross motor development is provided for by creating activities that inspire the child to use his whole body.
In our Infant Studio in addition to providing large open spaces for free movement, we have the grasping ball hanging. Babies love this ball. It is soft, easy to bat and grab, and many come with a little bell that encourages the child to repeat her movements in order to keep recreating the experience.
In our Movement Studio, it is difficult to choose just one to gross motor activity to feature. However, one activity that is a favorite for crawlers as well as walkers is the walker wagon. For the newly standing child who may be crawling and pulling up but not yet walking, load your walker wagon with a heavy bag of flour or rice and he will be cruising around your house in no time.
In the Young Child’s Studio we have added large blocks for constructive, creative play. This open-ended activity allows for creative play and a child’s exertion of maximum effort. Engaging his whole body as well as his mind in the activity allows for an optimal learning experience and for his mind and body to work together.
In the Primary Studio children are asked to gather materials for their activities moving back and forth to the shelf multiple times. While they do this, they holding a list of materials needed in their mind. This not only engages the body in activity, but it also challenges and strengthens the memory.
At Studio June we provide you and your child with optimal learning experiences. Keep an eye open for new experiences coming your way such as:
Sensorial Exploration Studio