A Few More Details

I love the preparation of the environment. This is the place we lovingly prepare for a child to construct himself. He will come here everyday and experience life, connecting with his community, and caring for his own needs. Now that I have prepared the space, it will be my job to serve as the bridge for each child; to connect them to this space, and then to step out of the way so they can discover the world.

Wiping a table

Cutting paper, clay, and sewing

Language cards: birds, farm animals, objects in the bedroom, haircare

Language objects: the bathroom

3 thoughts on “A Few More Details

  1. Junnifa

    Lovely pictures. Could you please tell me where the transparent trays holding the language cards are from?

    Thank you.

    1. admin Post author

      Junnifa, I’m glad you enjoyed the pictures. The clear trays are from the container store. They also have one size smaller that I use in other areas of the environment. The set in the picture has plastic placemats from Target cut and double-stick taped to the bottom to differentiate them a bit.

      1. Junnifa

        Thank you Sarah! I will look for them. I also like the wooden trays with the raised handles. The handles on my wooden trays are cut out for the sides and I find this can be tricky for the younger children. Could you tell me where to find these too. Thanks again.


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