Written by Sarah Moudry

Toilet Awareness

Toilet Awareness is a step-by-step guide for helping your child learn to use the toilet. This method has at its core the natural development of the child.

Paperback and ebook

First Foods to Family Meals

This book is a look at how food shapes the life of a family. From the moment a child is welcomed into the family through how our children become independent eaters, contributors to family meals, and carers for others through food.

In a Montessori Home

In a Montessori Home

A Parent’s guide to preparing the Home for children birth to three years.

What is the Montessori Toddler Community?

Take a tour of the Montessori Toddler Community and all the amazing experiences a child has in a Montessori school before the age of three years.

Watch the video

Edison’s Day

Every event in the day offers 20-month-old Edison an opportunity to live naturally, to discover the everyday tasks and activities of life in the home. 

Aid to LifeCollection


(S.Moudry contribution)

From Aid to Life: “You want to do the best for your child but no one ever trained you to be a parent. Sometimes the information you find in books, magazines, parent groups and websites is conflicting and overwhelming. It is difficult to know which route to take to help your child.