Distance Learning Classes

  • We are pleased to announce that we have designed a course to help you connect with other families around the globe.

As we have all adapted to a new way of connecting with other families, at Studio June we have created exciting, informative, and community building classes for families with young children. Are you looking to meet other families, get your questions answered by an expert ,and learn how to incorporate Montessori into your parenting?! Do you have friends across the globe you want to take a class with? Now is your chance!

Books by Sarah Moudry

First Foods is a how-to book with a wealth of tips, delicious recipes for young children, and suggestions on making and eating food as a family. Throughout the book, readers can see how food shapes the life of a family from nursing, early childhood, and including children in preparing meals together. 

Toilet Awareness is a step-by-step guide for helping your child learn to use the toilet. This method has at its core the natural development of the child.