New Year’s Intentions

Usually this time of year there is talk of resolutions. I have been thinking about this word; resolute, resolution…and it seems to definitive and finite. In a time when we are required to remain flexible, agile, and adaptive, it is difficult to think of using words like resolute. It’s not that that I am less committed, it just seems that so much has changed, and I want my words to reflect that change. So for 2022, I am renewing my New Year’s Intentions. As many of you know, I am a mom of three so I am sharing my intentions as a mother for this year.

1. I intend to listen to my children (and their friends) and learn from them. They have experienced so much in these last two years and I want to know how they see life and how I can grow by hearing their perspective.

2. I intend to share. I want to share more with the world. I want to connect with more families, I want to create art, and I want my children to see my efforts.

3. I intend to hold tight to my family. We have grown very close over these last two years and I cherish this time I have had with them. I want to hold them close. This is tricky as a parent. I see them ready to spread their wings, and I want to protect them. So I know my holding-on is not a physical effort to confine them, but a mental and emotional effort to hold space for them when they need to return to me to check in.

4. I intend to inspire strength and independence. I want my children to see how powerful they can be in themselves. I intend to be a role model of self-knowing and self-care. I intend to get stronger physically and mentally, and I intend to be transparent about those actions for my children. They must see that we are always working and improving ourselves and that is what creates strength and independence as an individual and makes us more able to be a contributor to our community.

What are your intentions this year? I would love to hear. I have scheduled a special online chat for Thursday, January 13th, 10:00 am CST. Join me to talk about your parenting intentions, ask your parenting questions, or just catch up. Whether you attend Studio June classes or haven’t had the chance to join us before, this FREE conversation is for you. 
I want to talk about independence and organizing playrooms, afterschool activities and tantrums, adding a sibling and sibling relationships, toileting and playtime…all of it! What questions do you have?
I hope to see you there! (Register here)

With love and respect,

Sarah – Studio June founder and mother of three

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